Thursday, September 14, 2017

Quality Care For The Elderly And Disabled

As an elder advocate for the state of Arkansas, I am passionate about reforming guardianship laws, protecting wards' most fundamental rights and liberties as well as supporting the Peter Falk bill, Right of Association, that has passed in six states during this 2016 session. 
This piece of legislation addresses a national epidemic of isolation in guardianships whereby all too often a guardian restricts visits, telephone calls, sending and receiving mail, withholds medical emergencies from family members, etc. 
This bill is a checks and balances approach and levels the playing field as guardians wield tremendous power and authority over wards and adults with disabilities, often times subjecting our loved ones to exploitation due to a lack of oversight and accountability of the guardian by the court.
I hope that you will consider sponsoring this much needed legislation for the state of Arkansas. I know that Peter Falk's daughter Catherine Falk along with her patterning organization, The National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse, will help in whatever way possible to lobby and testify for the passage of this legislation. 
There are three bills that the Falk~NASGA team worked tirelessly with their sponsors in Colorado, Utah and South Dakota. These three bills are the most extensive for your review, upon request via email: ( I hope that you will consider sponsoring this bill and look forward to hearing from you.
What can you do to help?  See Petition